Rome Historical SocietyRome Historical SocietyOn Wednesday, May 15th at 5:30 pm the Rome Historical Society invites the community for a presentation and tour of the exhibit area at their museum located at 200 Church Street in Rome, NY.

The event will be an opportunity to hear from Museum Manager Colin Havener about what plans and ideas are in store as the Society freshens displays and
restructures how the stories unfold as you move through the aisles and walk through history of the museum.

Over the next twelve months, the Rome Historical Society will undertake a strategic reorganization and reinterpretation of its exhibit space to enhance visitor understanding and engagement. Organizers hope the project will be executed with a minimal budget, leveraging community resources, volunteer support, and strategic partnerships.

The Rome Historical Society is located at 200 Church Street, Rome, NY. For more information, call (315) 336-5870, like them on Facebook, or visit their website at

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