
Sticky oil sprayed onto plants offers alternative to pesticides
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- . May 13, 2024
A chrysanthemum plant sprayed with sticky droplets to trap small insects Thomas Kodger, Wageningen University and Research Sticky traps consisting of tiny oil droplets can

How the discovery of a nest in a Roman museum caused a kerfuffle
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- . May 13, 2024
Nest in mouth Curious items lurk unnoticed in large museums. The photo above shows one of them: a bird’s nest seated in the mouth of

Having more children protects parents’ brains from age-related decline
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- . May 13, 2024
Raising children seems to have an anti-ageing effect on parents’ brains later in life MoMo Productions/Getty Images The “baby brain” phenomenon – a phrase for

Did humans evolve to chase down prey over long distances?
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- . May 13, 2024
Humans have an exceptional ability to run long distances sportpoint / Alamy Stock Photo Before the advent of rifles, many cultures around the world hunted

Edible gel prevents and treats alcohol intoxication in mice
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- . May 13, 2024
A transmission electron micrograph of beta-lactoglobulin, the main whey protein in cow’s milk, which was used to make the gel SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY A gel

Infinite Life review: Why eggs should be front and centre in the story of evolution
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- . May 13, 2024
An eastern Hermann’s tortoise prepares to leave its egg for the world Edwin Giesbers/ Infinite LifeJules Howard (Elliott & Thompson) What do you think of

How science can help you whip up perfect egg whites for your bakes
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- . May 13, 2024
Olga Mazyarkina/Getty Images Last week was the Jewish festival of Passover, when it is forbidden to eat any leavened products. That means all raising agents,

Enlightenment review: Sarah Perry has written a moving story of life, love and astronomy
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- . May 13, 2024
Comet Hale-Bopp was visible with the naked eye as it passed Earth in 1997 Phil Ball/Shutterstock EnlightenmentSarah Perry (Jonathan Cape) SARAH PERRY is a writer

Watch a Möbius strip robot move and climb when hit by light
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- . May 13, 2024
When light strikes a soft robot made from a twisted strip of hydrogel sheets, it moves in a predictable way and can climb a vertical

Pigs seem less stressed if their barn is scented with lavender
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- . May 13, 2024
Conditions in farms can be stressful for pigs KSCHiLI/Shutterstock Farmed pigs appear to find life less stressful when they can sniff the scent of lavender