Categories: Lifestyle

How to Lose 10 Pounds in Ten Days

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Updated 7 days ago

This guide will show you how to lose 10 pounds in 10 days very easily.

I wrote this guide a while ago now and came back to it as I wanted to test it out again since we are all practicing social distancing and not getting as much exercise.

I can tell you the plan still works and has been great over the last few weeks for keeping my weight in check.

I want to start this article by letting you know that I am not a health guru, I’m not a fitness freak, I don’t even go to the gym, and I’m not a medical expert in any way.   I am an ordinary guy who wanted to lose a few pounds and accidentally discovered a way to do this, and I am so excited to share what I discovered as I know it can work for you too.

What I am going to tell you is not rocket science and it’s not a new discovery, many people have already benefited from the information I am about to share with you.   However, I discovered this for myself completely by accident without reading any books, without consulting a health guru and having no previous knowledge of this method for losing weight.

The simplicity of this method is what makes it so very easy for you to lose your first ten pounds.   Please do not be put off by its simplicity and please, please, please don’t dismiss it before you actually try it.   When you try it, you will see results within 1 week and after 2 weeks I know you will have lost at least ten pounds, depending on your weight to begin with of course.

Okay, let’s start by telling you the story of how I discovered this simple weight loss plan.

The story behind the guide

Only a few months ago I was struggling to keep my weight to under 212 pounds (15 st 2 Ibs), which is not that heavy but nearly 14 pounds (1 stone) heavier than I was 3 years earlier. I had been sitting around the 210 mark for about 1 year and decided I wanted to do something about it and get to the weight I was 3 years earlier.  The only exercise I was getting was walking every day for 2 miles, and I didn’t fancy going to the gym every day.   I am extremely busy with my online business and spending time with my family, which is very important to me.

I tried all kinds of diets in the past; the atkins diet, 5:2 diet, low carb diet, high carb diet you name it and just the basic diet of eating less.   Yes the diets works, but they don’t help you keep the weight off unless you make that diet a part of your every day life. We all know that the less we put into our mouths the more weight we will lose, but our minds throw up all kinds of excuses for eating less, the main one being ‘I’m bloody hungry, so I need something else to eat’.

My huge downfall is biscuits.   I can eat a pack of biscuits in one sitting, dipping up to 10 digestive biscuits into my cup of tea would take a few minutes.   A few minutes to shovel 700 calories into my mouth, that’s 1/3rd of my recommended intake!

The accidental discovery

About 9 weeks ago I discovered something that helped me lose 8 pounds within 1 week.   I was flabbergasted, and so was my wife.   I looked at exactly what I had been doing different.   I wasn’t exercising any more than normal, I wasn’t any more stressed than normal, I didn’t have a bug of any kind.   And then it hit me what I had been doing differently – Drinking water.   Now before you go and send me an email saying ‘Oh’ I know this already’, just read this guide to find out exactly how I managed to lose 8 pounds in 1 week and go on to lose 12 pounds and keep the weight off, without any real effort on my part.

I started drinking water as a way to cleanse my body, as I started feeling sluggish in the mornings.   I get up very early, around 4.30 – 5am, and always feel alert and ready to write as I am always excited to start the day online before getting ready for my day job.   For a few weeks I was still getting up at 4.30, but I was feeling a little sluggish, which wasn’t like me.   I felt bloated, and felt like I needed a good detox.   I was going to try fasting for a few days per week, just to rid myself of all the crap inside my body, but then decided I would start drinking water to clear my insides, aid my digestion and just generally feel healthier.   I was used to drinking water throughout the day, but not in any planned way, and sometimes skipped the water a lot of the days.

So I made a concerted effort to drink water every day. I started drinking water as soon as I got up, about 500ml, and again 1 hour later I drank another 500ml, during the day at lunch time (500 ml) 30 minutes before every meal I drank 250ml and  another 250ml a few hours before going to bed.   Great! It worked.   After a few days I felt less sluggish and less bloated throughout the day – job done, just keep drinking water and I would be back to my normal energetic self.   That’s what I thought, until I weighed myself 1 week later and discovered I was down to 204 pounds (14st 8Ibs).   Obviously I thought the scales were playing up and stepped off the digital scales to wait for ‘error’ to show up on the little screen, but no, everything was okay.   I stepped back on, and again the reading was 204 pounds – I shouted for my wife, who weighed herself and sure enough the scales were working okay, no anomalies, no battery losing power, no slopes in the bathroom floor to skew the results.   Could drinking 2 litres of water a day really help me lose weight?

I then started to experiment.   I stopped drinking water for 1 week, only occasionally drinking it when I felt thirsty, just as before.   1 week later I was back up to 209 pounds (14st 13Ibs).   Words can’t describe how I felt, you’d think I’d discovered the lost city of Atlantis (quite fitting really).   I then went on to experiment more and ask lots of questions and done a hell of a lot of research on the many benefits of water.

As I write this, I am down to 200 (14st 4Ibs)  pounds, a full 12 pounds lighter than I was a few weeks earlier.   I have even hit 198 pounds (14st 2Ibs), which is what I weighed 3 years ago, totally amazing.   You can probably tell I was, and am, excited about this.   You have to understand I haven’t changed my diet in any way, I was still eating the biscuits, and coming up to Christmas there’s always goodies in the office to munch on.

During my research it turns out that A lot of other people have discovered the many benefits of drinking water, including to help keep their weight down.   But, I want to give you an exact plan, a very easy plan that will help you lose weight and help you keep it off.   Not only will you lose weight but you will have more energy, feel healthier and feel more alert.   All this by not really changing your lifestyle and drinking a few glasses of water every day, even if you are not exercising, not dieting, and still eating your Big Macs.

The Daily Plan

This is an extremely simple plan and one which I have followed now for around 6 weeks with huge benefits and little downside.

If you are from the US and use Oz instead of ml you can download this PDF file which a very kind reader, April Gaskins,  has made up for us.

Click here to download the PDF that April made

The weight you are will obviously have an impact on how much weight you lose with the water plan. A woman who is 150 pounds will not lose as much as a man who is 300 pounds, however the amount of water you drink should not change.

Why the water plan helps you to lose weight

You might be asking yourself why such a simple, plentiful, substance such as water can help you to lose weight.

In the plan you’ll notice that I’ve said as soon as you get up to drink ½ litre of water.   This is to kick start the metabolic process.   You brain does not distinguish between food and water, and treats water as food.   This means that the metabolic process is kick started as soon as you drink water in the morning and will start to use the energy to process the water.

There are many forms of metabolism going on in your body right now, but the one we are concerned about is the metabolism of fat. This is actually something that the liver does when it converts stored fat to energy. The liver has other functions, but this is one of its main jobs.

However the liver is also a close friend with the Kidneys, which need plenty of water to function properly.   If the kidneys are not getting enough water the liver goes into overdrive and does it’s own work as well as pick up the slack from the kidneys, which lowers the functioning of the liver.   The liver then can’t metabolize fat as quickly as it should therefore fat is stored.

We often mistake hunger for thirst and the more water we drink the less hungry we will feel which means we eat less which means we hopefully lose more weight or not put as much weight on, depending on the amount of exercise we get.

There’s a lot more to it than that, I just wanted to give you one of the areas where water affects the body and how it can change our bodies.

Resisting the temptation not to try it

A lot of you might be thinking ‘I know that already, I’ve tried it.’   The key to using this is to keep using it, no point in doing it for a couple of days and then stopping; make it a habit.

The first few days of drinking more water will have you running to the loo more times than you’ll like, however if you stick with it you will see some amazing benefits.   Your body has been storing water for years, and the more fresh water you drink the more flushed your system will be and it will get rid of the water it was originally holding onto.   That means less water retention, less swelling of the ankles, hips and thighs and even from around the stomach area.   You will not only be flushing the body out but you will excreting all the stored water as your mind and body realize it no longer has to store water as it is getting all that it needs.   You’ll also increase your ability to hold the water and return to a normal loo routine.

Other benefits

Drinking plenty of water is also great for your skin.   It flushes out all the impurities which will leave you with a glow and a great complexion.   You’ll also notice your skin looking younger and healthier.

You also notice a difference in muscle tone. You can lift all the weights you need, but if your muscles are not hydrated you won’t see a big difference in your appearance. When you muscles that have all the water they need. they contract more easily, making your workout more effective, and you’ll look better for it.

There’s a million reasons to drink more water, but I wanted to make this about losing weight with water so I will leave it at that.

As always I would love to know what you think about this.

Other resources that might help you

7 Reasons Why You Should Drink More Water

5 Warning Signs That Your Body Just Needs Water

6 Things You NEED To Know About Drinking Water

10 benefits of drinking hot water that no one told you about

11 Reasons to Drink More Lemon Water

Fifteen benefits of drinking water


Can water help you lose weight?

How Drinking More Water Can Help You Lose Weight

This Is How Much Water a Doctor and a Health Coach Say to Drink Daily

10 Unexpected Reasons to Drink More Water

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