These futuristic batteries could eventually charge electric vehicles at a fraction of today’s speedsda-kuk/Getty Images Quantum batteries could one day…
The Shadow Hand robotic device was built to withstand collision damageShadow Robot Company A new robot hand provides extremely fast…
We are generally as reluctant to contact a long-lost friend as we are to talk to a stranger, but scientists…
A spiral galaxy in the constellation of Ursa MajorNASA, ESA, A. Riess (STScI/JHU) The following is an extract from our…
The Red Planet launches large bursts of plasma into space from its upper atmosphere, much like the sun’s coronal mass…
When people trade stocks, they don’t always learn from experienceBill Ross/Getty Images Even when we learn from past mistakes, we…
A slice through the largest 3D map of our universe to datelaire Lamman/DESI collaboration There are hints that the universe…
Running is generally associated with good health outcomesIan Forsyth/Getty Images It has been suggested that too much extreme exercise can…
With a bit of training, macaques can make rhythmic movements in time with music, an ability only shown before by…
We still don’t know the potential well-being effects of social media specifically or how they could vary among people of…